Sokath, his eyes uncovered!

on Sunday, January 10, 2010

(Note: this is easily the geekiest title I have ever given anything.  Reference )

We're partway through week three at this point, which means, among other things, that we're juuuuust starting to establish a routine.  Ky had her second doctor's appointment a few days ago -- she's back to her birthweight, which means that we've moved from feeding her every 3 hours to feeding her when she asks.  This is awesome -- she made it back to her birthweight really quickly, so she's clearly getting all the nutrition she requires.  It also means that sometimes we can sleep for 4 hours, but that generally means that afterwards we sleep for 45 minutes.  Still, she's a pretty good sleeper, and we like her bunches so far.

In a day-to-day sense, well, every day is different.  She has started to be more alert; smiley muscles are clearly being exercised a little bit, which means that we know the following things:

1) We like the nose game, which is a low-key version of eskimo kisses.
2) We like snuggles.

To summarize, this is our current roommate:


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