Music lessons

on Sunday, November 29, 2009

Songs we like Daddy to play (so far, as demonstrated by lots of kickies and flipping about):

- Rainbow Connection
- The Garden Song
- When You Dream, by BNL

Fifteen years ago, or thereabouts, I sat in the basement of Chez Aronoff, playing guitar and thinking to myself that someday, way way WAY far in the future, I'd be playing for my own kid.  At the time, I thought that the Rainbow Connection was one of the most important songs to play for the kid, as it manages to capture a) magic, b) everything I like in a melody, c) a frog, and d) awesomeness.  Well, it turns out that I AM playing it for my kid, and it's just as fulfilling as I thought it would be.  Yes, indeed.

Some sort of pun about showering goes here

on Saturday, November 14, 2009

We've just finished a very successful baby shower.  Thanks to our many helpers, especially those people who took truffles home with them, as it means there are fewer to eat.  For those of you who like narrative captions, or couldn't be here because of work, flu, space invaders, or any other reason, I present to you...dum duh duh DAH!  Photos!

Beth's Baby Shower Of Awesomeness

Thirty-Three Weeks

on Friday, November 13, 2009

Helloooo out there!  Thought it was [past] time for an update.

Sprout has been sprouting for 33 weeks now.  Evidently, that means she's still working on breathing, her digestive system, and regulating her body temperature, but is mostly just doing her best to gain weight.  We had to have her checked out via sonogram yesterday because she decided to have a good stretch during our regular doctor's visit, and her/my overlarge belly measurement was cause for concern.  I spent a couple of days wondering whether we were having a giant baby (yeek!), but no -- just a stretchy one.  She's slightly over 4 pounds at this point, which is right where she's supposed to be.

Since this was the third time someone told us Sprout was a girl, I think we can pretty much stop wondering.  The tech also commented on her long legs and pouty lips (and she wasn't kidding -- see the weird, grainy picture below for a nose-and-mouth shot).  They were able to locate a bladder this time... which, till yesterday, I didn't know was missing from the earlier anatomical sonogram.  Glad it's there, though.

Weird, grainy picture (she's sideways):

On other fronts, we're making progress in her room.  Matt has been putting up extra shelves and light fixtures this week; I've been sewing, and organizing the beginnings of her wardrobe.  Thanks to hand-me-downs from Max and the shopping savvy of the two grandmamas, we have a good start on what we'll need.  The stripes are painted on the wall, the prints are up, and the dressers are in place (thanks, Lisa, for your assembly help!).  It's starting to look right.  Lazlo has been thoughtfully testing out each new item to make sure it feels right, too.