A fine curvature!

on Sunday, October 18, 2009

A curious thing has happened over the past few doctors' appointments -- because we're a low risk pregnancy, and there don't seem to be any complications, we're in and out of there in about as much time as it takes to cook a steak.  The big news from our last visit, it seems, is that Beth has excellent blood stats (no anemia, no diabetes), and more importantly, a fine curvature.  I didn't know this was a thing, but since it is, it's clearly time to document it.

Also there are baby clothes.


ThatBrunette said...

Congratulations on the blood stats! Go belly!

The Rogue said...

I don't know what it means that regardless of how happy and excited I am about these pictures, I keep thinking, "mmmmmm...steak."

Matt said...

I think it means you haven't had dinner yet. (Or that you're cold-hearted and insensible to the joys of teeny proto-babies. But I think it's the dinner thing :-).)

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