Pregnancy is different from the vapors.

on Wednesday, September 2, 2009

So, here's a new one for me. What happens when I have the flu and Beth doesn't? I am currently in the process of coming down with something, but I find myself struggling to do all the minor house-maintenance things that need doing. Trash, litter, recycling, all must go out tonight, so I start, get dizzy, Beth offers to help, I finally say ok (no, not to the litter, but to the recycling), and as I'm standing at the sink drinking a glass of water to get better, I look down and go "I know! I'll do the DISHES!"

Thus, things I am learning today:

1) The nesting instinct, it seems, is definitely kicking in for me, too.
2) Pregnant people need protection, but are not invalids.
3) Don't move Ikea furniture boxes when you're feeling crappy, it'll make you absolutely sure that you have the flu.


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