
on Thursday, December 31, 2009

Here's one of Kyla's early rides in Beth's homemade sling.  It makes her very happy and squishy.

Stop. Nana time.

Here's a little test video of Kyla's first day with her Nana.  This video illustrates two points:

1) She loves her Nana already.
2) She doesn't stop moving for very long.  Ever.

Behind the Scenes

on Wednesday, December 30, 2009

So, here I sit, with little Kyla asleep on the bed to my right, stuffed between two rolled-up hand towel "bumpers," and since she's clearly thinking deep thoughts (you can tell because she's trying out every facial expression in her arsenal all at once), I thought I should update our faithful readers on how our little monkey came into the world.  Thus, I give you The Birth In One Paragraph Or Less:

Here's how the birth went down.  Beth's water broke at about 6:30 am on Tuesday morning, while I was happily dozing.  We called the doctor, who had us come in to the hospital.  (We weren't even sure it was labor at that point, as there were no contractions yet, so Beth had a nice leisurely shower, I shaved and finished packing my hospital bag -- hey, no time like the present.)  A couple of quick tests later, we were off to our private delivery suite (thank goodness -- absolutely can't imagine going through this with someone else over in another part of the room).  Beth then proceeded to be a complete rock star -- I don't think she complained once, other than to say "ouch."  No meds, nothing but a fluids IV to make sure she didn't get dehydrated.  Nonetheless, Kyla seemed to be pretty sure she wouldn't fit -- she came down, and down further, and after 15 hours of contractions followed by 4 hours of pushing, well, she turned right around and headed back up to her womb.  After some deliberation, it became clear that we didn't have much choice but to do a C-section, and so, a little reluctantly, but secure in the knowledge that we had done our absolute best, and were out of options, we agreed.  It worked out fine, obviously; Ky is awesome and happy, Beth is awesome, happy, and recovering quickly from the surgery, and I am awesome, happy, and got to wear scrubs and a mask.  Everybody wins!

In other news, we may have discovered Beth's mutant power, which is to be made of rubber.  She's recovering VERY well from the surgery, and was resilient enough that, after 19 hours of labor, she was cracking jokes and bonding with the nurse on the way to the OR.

In short, I agree with our nurse.  Beth's my hero.

Kyla Nova

on Thursday, December 24, 2009

Ladies and gentlemen, Kyla Nova Aronoff has arrived.  She was born December 23rd at about 4 in the morning, and weighed 9 lbs., 2 oz.  Everybody's doing wonderfully, and we're already surprised at how interested we are in the frequency of her diaper changes.  Truly, it is a new world.


on Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Month 9, it is upon us.  In a few short weeks, the sprout will sprout. Don't believe me? Check it:

Also, the Acquisition Of Baby Items has begun (more on this soon), which includes this super-awesome stroller and car seat.  Amazing But True Fact: it's actually easy to use!  (My distorted and superhuman leg length, though also awesome, is not due to the impending baby.)

How's this for a terrifying analogy?

on Thursday, December 3, 2009

My childhood is to morning reruns of "I Love Lucy" as the sprout's childhood is to reruns of "The Cosby Show." Seriously. They're the same amount of time apart.