Why yes, I AM making all the turkey bacon in the house because it's the only acceptable snack food. Thanks for asking!
Hello all.
Over the past week or so, the sprout has really started to move around (and do so pretty much all the time). S/he seems to have a pretty steady routine: we wake up in the late morning, demand breakfast, do some calisthenics, have a day, and stay up late watching movies and doing more calisthenics. It's certainly pretty cute to feel a little thwap from time to time, but there's a side effect that I wasn't quite expecting, too. As some of you may recall from the first couple of posts I put up, I started off by connecting to the baby-growing process via the gadgetry. In large part, that had to do with it seeming kind of hypothetical -- I mean, there wasn't really any physical evidence, Beth seemed just as normal as ever (ahem), and we needed to use a machine to even see the kid, so for all we really knew we could have been watching ultrasound data from a baby in South Island, New Zealand. (Yes, I chose New Zealand. It's far, vaguely mysterious, and full of sheep.) In the last week, though, the sprout has stopped being a hypothetical construct and started being a member of the family. I suspect this happened earlier for Beth, who isn't here to ask just at the moment, but being able to actually feel the motions that the sprout is performing (my guess? Tai Chi.) has made this process real for me, and done so all at once. (For example, the thought process goes like this: The sprout responds to meal times; well, *I* respond to meal times, too!! Yay!!) It's the first of many surprising things s/he will do, I'm sure.
And speaking of awkward grammatical constructions, we'll hopefully be finding out (to use Will Baldwin's phrasing) whether we're having a sprout or a sproutette this coming Wednesday. Just *think* how much simpler the pronouns will be!
(Lastly, this is another iPhone-composed post. Evidently, it works well when you're *not* stuck on a plane, too.)

PS - Blogger has been giving me some headaches with regard to images that you can't click to enlarge. You SHOULD be able to click these pictures to see the full versions -- most of the posts have that working properly, but if you encounter a picture that you can't click to enlarge, well, consider me sufficiently embarrassed :-).
Labels: Photo
KICK!! Beth's been feeling them for a couple of days, and I just now felt the first one. I'm way more excited than is reasonable. I also think it's that the sprout finds The Wire to be a particularly compelling show.
We're (probably) right around halfway through now, and as we start to put the nursery together, it's becoming ever more clear that what the sprout really needs, much more than, say, diapers, or food, is a felted ball rug.
Things I can no longer do: test funny alternative word conjugations. Trying to replace "spammed" with "spum" in conversation caused Beth to make a noise like I had offered her a bowl full of eyeballs. Noted.